C-Quest Capital Carbon Projects

Our partner C-Quest Capital is a global leader in promoting the adoption, access and use of cleaner, healthier and more efficient cookstoves to improve the lives of the rural poor, in particular women and children.


These projects have significant sustainable development impact across climate, health, social and economic empowerment, meeting a minimum of seven UN Sustainable Development Goals. This will be independently verified by VERRA’s Sustainable Development Verified Impact Standard (SD VISta). A portion of CQC carbon credits revenue will go to For Women Foundation, an independent Foundation set up by CQC to support the delivery of social programs designed to further improve the lives of the rural poor and empower women. Programs include initiatives such as scholarships for girls, distribution of bamboo seedlings for sustainable fuel and drip irrigation kits to support food security.


CQC projects deploy simple, clean and thermally efficient cookstoves to households to replace inefficient open-fire cooking in rural communities. The program provides cookstoves at no cost to households and recipients are trained on how to install, maintain and repair the stoves to ensure longevity of use and adoption. To maximise benefits to the households, CQC projects provide a two stove model to eliminate the need for a second open fire which is often used in parallel when cooking.

These projects will have a significant impact for thousands of households across these regions who will require less fuel to cook, less time to collect firewood and cooking - resulting in reduced drudgery for women collecting fuel, exposure to smoke and harmful greenhouse gases.


Southern Saharan Africa

Malawi, Tanzania, Mozambique and Zimbabwe

Our five projects are located in four Sub-Saharan African countries: Two projects in Malawi, and one each in Tanzania, Zimbabwe and Mozambique. These five projects will reach 2.6m households, reducing 190m tonnes of emissions over the life of the projects.


Southeast Asia

Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos

Our projects in South-East Asia are located in four countries: one each in Cambodia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR), Thailand and Vietnam. These projects will reach 650k households and reduce 42m tonnes of emissions over the life of the project.

Due diligence

We have spent time researching these projects and have conducted our own due diligence, undertaken by an independent third party, Climate Focus.

We have developed this check list so that you can rest assured that we have done the work.

Independent due diligence

Accredited by Gold Standard

Eligible with CORSIA

Verified additionality

No leakage

UN sustainable development goals

Supporting up to 10 of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals across all Carbon Credits projects.

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