SMBC Aviation Capital's Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

SMBC Aviation Capital is a leading global aircraft leasing company. The international nature of the business means that SMBC Aviation Capital and its staff interact with customers, suppliers and business partners throughout the world. In all such interactions and business activities, SMBC Aviation Capital is committed to the highest standards of honesty, integrity and transparency. SMBC Aviation Capital adopts a zero tolerance attitude to any form of slavery or human trafficking and is committed to requiring the same high standards from our staff, customers, investors, suppliers and other stakeholders.


SMBC Aviation Capital - Supplier Code Of Conduct 

SMBC Aviation Capital Limited is committed to the highest standards of ethics, integrity and conduct as it seeks to bring value and deliver on its commitments to its customers, shareholders and other stakeholders. SMBC Aviation Capital is committed to these high standards throughout its business operations including its supply chain and requires its suppliers of goods and services and their employees, contractors, agents and sub-contractors meet these same high standards.



SMBC Aviation Capital (UK) Tax Strategy

In 2016, the UK government introduced legislation which requires large businesses operating in the UK to publish their UK tax strategy. In recognising its tax obligations, the tax strategy of SMBC Aviation Capital (UK) Limited can be found in the link below.